Download Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits ebook free written by Behzad Razavi. This book is used as a textbook at the University of California to teach graduate students the analysis and design of Integrated Circuit using CMOS technology. This book is not meant for RF circuit design using CMOS like the The Design of CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits book by Thomas Lee. This book focuses on the single stage amplifiers, differential amplifers, feedback networks, operational amplifers, frequency response, stability, frequency compensation for IC design. It does however contain the an introduction to analog design, the physics of MOS, CMOS processing steps and layout and packaging chapter. For RF design besides the above mentioned contents of amplifiers the other useful content are the analysis of oscillators and phase locked loop.

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This book provides excellent analysis of different types and configuration of CMOS amplifiers, frequency response, non-linearities, noise bandwidth, stability, feedback network configuration etc.

Download link for Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits:
This book provides excellent analysis of different types and configuration of CMOS amplifiers, frequency response, non-linearities, noise bandwidth, stability, feedback network configuration etc.
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